Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

saat kartu hilang bag2

besok aq mau balik ke kantor polisi mudah2an aja semua lancar gak di lempar ke sana kemari lagi. Maklum urgent aq gak bisa bergerak slama itu kartu gak kelar, aq juga hemat besar2an dengan jatah 5rb perhari untuk puasa. Dan makan mie sebagai menu buka puasa paling praktis, untung rambut aq gak keritingggggg

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

saat semua kartu hilang

birokrasi adalah hal yang menyebalkan bagi ku but u need, kartu a,b,c ilang di tempat kerja dan ini ke dua kalix. Dan pergi lah diri ku mengurus dari jam 8 pg sampai jam 3 sore tidak ada satupun kartu yang jadi, dan setelah mengukur jalanan ala angkot aq pulang dan menyimpan surat keterangan dalam kotak. Sampai ada waktu lagi di urus dari asal.

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Ganti nama & kehilangan

Ah baru ku sadari kalo nama blog ini kepanjangan, aq sendiri suka kebalik nulisx dan setelah cari di google ada satu kata tapi masih rahasia. Jangan heran buat kamu yang baca trus bilang " food stuff kok isix celoteh gue??? Ehm awalx emang aq semangat 45 soal kue dan teman2x tapi setelah jadi malah binggung mau ngapain (',') ahhhh, so sebab itulah aq mau ganti nama  tentu saja tanpa bubur merah dan putih ( ' _ ' ) hehehehehe

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012


blog ke 3 ini sukses, setelah mondar-mandir dari spot ke word lalu balik lagi ke spot akhirx hah is done..... Untuk sementara baca artikel yang ada aja duh OMG CUP CAKE CUTE abis

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Sample Article 5

How's everyones week been? I managed to tire myself out so much that I caught a cold by the end of the week, so my weekend was mostly spent sleeping with a little bit of baking mixed in. I always want to bake when I'm feeling under the weather, I guess it's a comfort thing. It's been a while since I baked up some macarons, and this weekend I decided to make Ice Cream Cone-Shaped Macarons filled with Vanilla Ice Cream & Waffle Cone Icing. I think we've firmly established the fact that I am shamelessly willing to make macarons in any wacky shape I feel like. I was inspired after seeing a recipe for an icing that actually used melted ice cream in it from Cookies & Cups. I thought it would be the perfect filling for a cute macaron shaped into an ice cream covered with rainbow sprinkles. Pretty freakin' cute. Shaping the macarons shells into ice cream cones was pretty tricky. It is not an easy shape to get right because it's so irregular, and this makes the shell surface more prone to cracking. About half my batch of shells cracked in various places (sad face), mostly because I forgot that weirdly-shaped macarons need a LOT more drying time before they go into the oven. And the ones that didn't crack were still a little lumpy and funny looking, far from perfect but still cute! Sprinkles always help. I even found these nifty mini rainbow chocolate chips in my cupboard (my cupboard full of sprinkles is getting pretty huge), and used the red ones as the 'cherry' on top of each ice cream cone.

Sample Article 4

My Cupcake Truck wants to serve you a very special cupcake, with as much or as little frosting as you like on it! They will be based in San Francisco and are raising money via Kickstarter, where their page says:

My Cupcake Truck will be the first cupcake truck based in San Francisco, that will serve your cupcakes plain, unless icing is requested. Your icing is only served by your desired amount. Not everyone has a huge sweet tooth, and we don't want to burden you with something you find less desirable. Let us know the amount you desire, and we'll whip up something amazing!

Their fundraising campaign ends July 24th, and as of this posting they have 58 backers and have raised $4,692 of their $15,000 goal (with Kickstarter, you only get the money if you meet your goal). You can sign up for updates at mycupcaketruck.com and follow them @MyCupcakeTruck on Twitter and on Facebook. Via SFoodie.

Sample article 3

I'm so in love with wedding cakes.... i don't know if it's because i am making them or if it's because it's I find them as such an important piece of a wedding ceremony... but I can go on and on day in day out browsing thru wedding cakes made by all my cake idols... and i go crazy envious how genius these ppl are in being able to design such amazing cakes!

I think wedding cakes are still NOT an important part of a wedding because weddings here are usually quite big (300-400 ppl minimum?) and the biggest chunk of the budget is already allocated for the wedding banquet, which is really costly! Then, asian being asian... we are very practically... Next budget allocation will go based on practicality - wedding photography (pre and during wedding), wedding gown, decor for the ballroom and then.... no more budget left for anything else! No more budget for honeymoon (or maybe it's more like no more leave left), no budget for wedding favors and why it comes to the cake... why bother? The hotel always provide a dummy cake anyway...

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